Lines on a Map

Lines on a Map: Crafting and Contesting Borders in the Early Modern Atlantic and Beyond

Dates: 13-14 December, 2019

Location: London, United Kingdom

For over a century, scholars have wrestled with how to imagine, explain, and convey geographical space. From Frederick Jackson Turner’s chronologically shifting frontier to Fernand Braudel’s integrated Mediterranean basin, from concepts of an ‘Atlantic’ world to arguments for an enduring ‘Red’ North American continent, scholars have offered various models for understanding the interrelationship between space and time, and people and their environments—whether on land-locked interiors, blue water empires, or the bays, estuaries, rivers, and coastlines that connect water and land.

This conference asks participants to analyse their own assumptions about and models of early modern historical spaces by engaging with and interrogating how actors themselves described, drew, and defined geographic spaces—whether discrete urban vistas, vast colonial projects, regional chorographies, interiors unmapped (by Europeans), or ever-changing maritime and riverine waters. The ways in which actors defined scale, bounded their maps and descriptions, imagined the unknown, and projected their own understandings onto spaces provide a rich archive for examining how early modern actors defined and contested space, boundaries, and border-making.

This conference is the last of three that Dr Rachel Herrmann is running with Dr Jessica Roney (Temple University) as part of an Arts and Humanities Research Council network. Accepted, confirmed panelists include:

Santiago Muñoz Arbeláez
Lucia Bergamasco
Michael Borsk
Max Edelson
Travis Glasson
Edward Gray
Harald Gropp
Lawrence Hatter
April Lee Hatfield
Rachel Herrmann
Alice King
Christian Koot
Kris Lane
John Nelson
Bertie Mandelblatt
Emily Mann
Marilia Moreira
John Morton
Paul Musselwhite
Mark Peterson
Charles Prior
Karen Rann
Alyssa Reichardt
Jessica Roney
Linda Rupert
Erling Sandmo
Nancy Shoemaker
Samuel Truett
Djoeke Van Netten
Alex Zukas

A programme and information about registration will follow soon.